Science & Technology

Macbook Pro
Macbook Pro

Here we are, this is the section that takes up the most of my day, both professionally and personally. If for the other sections I have a passion, science and technology are a drug!

I realized that I couldn’t go very far as a developer, as I couldn’t get away from my desk. The hunger to write “code”, to solve bugs, to implement or optimize procedures, to try new software or platforms, was even more important than drinking, eating, and going to the bathroom. So, for the sake of survival, I had to drop it and do something else. But every now and then I “get the vein” and start a small extra work project, which gives me that pleasure that I sometimes need, but then once it’s closed, it brings me back to reality and I have time to eat, drink and go to the bathroom!!

Aside from the jokes, in all my personal and work experiences, I have really tried and used a lot of tools, languages, platforms, databases, and operating systems that I will be happy to share with you in this section.