About Me

Io e Whisky
Io e Whisky

First of all, thank you for stopping by! It’s a pleasure to meet you! I consider this site a bit like my “magnetic board” where I hang nice memories and beautiful experiences I’ve had and am having.

My name is Luca, CAU for friends. Basically, I’m a perpetual dreamer, optimistic and carefree, not because life doesn’t bring me difficult challenges, but because I face them for what they are and try not to complain.

I love sports, I’ve played many, but without putting too much competitiveness in it; I’ve always faced the biggest challenges against time and myself.

I love to eat and drink, but I’m not a great cook, in any case with a recipe in front of me (even if the Q.B. drive me crazy) I can manage and get more than satisfactory results. I love the world of wines, both red and white, but I don’t disdain some distilled spirits, in fact if you take a look at my profiles, recently I’ve become passionate about Gin. If we talk about beer… I have a real passion for whites and stouts.

I love music, I listen to a lot of it; in the past I took singing lessons and was the front man in a “Rock Band”. Now I’m trying to learn to play the piano; if you’re interested, I’ll keep the dedicated section updated with my progress, at the moment not many.

I’m passionate about science and technology, and that’s why I spend many hours at the computer. I like to always learn new things, I dedicate more attention to some to deepen them and I confess that so far all the hours spent have been very useful, even and especially at a professional level, during some of the consultations I make, they always find solutions to problems.

I like photography, I also participated in some courses to learn how to use my Canon to the best of my ability (with satisfaction I admit that some shots came out really well!), but for the moment it is just a simple hobby, and I don’t think it will ever be a profession.

I love all animals (well, maybe bedbugs not so much); Whisky is my life companion, I can say that we found each other and that we’re always together, even in bed (I know it’s not good, but I can’t help it… when he rests his muzzle on the mattress the “come on, get up!” comes spontaneously from my heart).

Finally, I love to travel, to get to know new cultures, and to try to live travel experiences not as a simple tourist, although unfortunately it’s not always possible.

If you like it and see that we have some passions in common, take a look at the other sections of the site, there are not many contents yet, but in case you come back, this is a continuous “Work in Progress”…

Happy browsing!